Yesterday I got an invite to join NaNoWriMo again. Since writing a novel in a month was an exhilarating experience last year, and I have an idea this year, I signed right up. Then I spent a couple of hours on the forums, and discovered there's a sophomore slump. am i doomed? i was basically doing a re-write of a longer work last year, was that too much like cheating? Heck.
and the darn thing doesn't even start for another three weeks.
yah, well, i did the sophomore slump by maybe eeking out a page. But this year, man, this year I'm going to DO IT!
8:12 AM
oooh! you're going to do nano, too? yay! we can whine about word count together! i have characters and absolutely no plot. should be fun.
10:35 AM
that's the best kind of book to write!
4:39 PM
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