it's pouring today, so Sheri dropped me at the subway, and as i approach the turnstiles, this woman walks up, puts down her bag in front of the turnstiles, places her coffee carefully on top, and starts rooting through her purse for a token. she's such a mess that she is blocking both turnstiles.
i had a token in my hand, because i am a considerate and organized person, and there was a train coming. 'excuse me,' i said, and moved around her to get into the turnstile she wasn't *completely* blocking. she gave me a dirty look and rolled her eyes.
seriously? *i* was the one being rude there?
people make me crazy sometimes.
we had a nice conductor who actually told us what the next stop was, but i wanted her to say something funny. i am jealous of the witty conductors in nyc, as evidenced on one of my favorite ways to waste time at work-
some conductor is always being witty on the loudspeakers there. but it occured to me this morning that they have so many more subways than we do, that the law of averages say that they'll have more amusing conductors.
i always feel like i'm going to be so much more witty in these posts when i'm composing them in my head on the train. then i get to a computer and i'm like 'what was i going to say?' i suppose i should save the good stuff for nano. nano was my bitch this weekend, with a 6k day on saturday, then i went to nyc and had entirely too much fun with my friends and seeing duran, and barely managed 4k over three days. and yesterday just coming back to work exhausted me and we got home late because sheri and i went to dinner with birm, who just got a boot thingie for her foot that's been bothering her for two years, and she needed to get out of the house and see people for a bit.
i suppose i should do some work or something now.
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