Monday, November 13, 2006


people are actually reading this thing? there is something to be said that when people read, i feel more compelled to post. ;->

in response to my comments:

on the tarot card- basically the ace of swords means a big change and victory, but at the loss of old ways of thinking and being. which fits pretty damn well with my story, as its about a movie star who leaves hollywood to go to college in philadelphia. the card is taped in the back of my writing notebook now.

on the last post about how LAME i am with nano this year- i remain lame. i have been on vacation for two days now and only managed about 2 k. okay, 2500, i just checked. cat, i am horrible at the process of writing every day this year. life has really kicked me in the ass this month. but, i'm on vacation for two whole weeks now- minus this weekend where i did NOTHING- and i hope that will help. part of my vacation is running around la with friends, but that's sorta research. the rest of my vacation is coveted alone time, like today, where i am sitting here at my kitchen table (i call it that, but it is not in the kitchen or even near the kitchen, and it is rarely used to eat on, but because its near the door, it just collects crap. anyhow.) (dude, i need to take this parethecial stuff to the the novel, that would so help my dismal word count)

anyhow. i've lost my train of thought. i am sitting here at the table (no modifier), waiting for the exterminator (we live in the city, and i'd rather pay for someone to check our house for pests once a month than deal with something moving in- and i saw a mouse a couple of weeks ago. useless cats.) and then delivery of a new washer. (thank god, i will be able to wash sheets again!) so, i could either be watching bad daytime tv, or i could write. obviously, i have chosen to write a blog post instead of the novel, but... whatever. its something! am i allowed to count this towards my word count? no? damn.

to both tricia and cat (cat, meet tricia, tricia, meet cat) (you are friends from very different parts of my life- tricia i've known since high school and cat is the only friend i still have from my blur obsessed days): keep writing and the good stuff will happen. cat, if you don't know where to take your story, your characters do. i know that sounds all new agey and zen, but i swear it is true and it is one of the coolest things in the world.

and i know this is my problem with nano this year, because i know where the story has to go, and my characters are like 'yeah, okay, i'll do that. you don't want to hear my opinion on the matter, so why should i bother?' damn characters.

i should probably write something now!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like your blog - sure you can't use it in your nano? of course i like it, you use parenthetical statements as much as i do, and tangential stories or meanderings .... like the kitchen table one which i quite enjoyed.

are you going to post any of your nano work on your nano profile page?

and what about your blur obsession? i love to read about other people's rock obsession so i don't feel so alone in mine.....


10:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like your blog - sure you can't use it in your nano? of course i like it, you use parenthetical statements as much as i do, and tangential stories or meanderings .... like the kitchen table one which i quite enjoyed.

are you going to post any of your nano work on your nano profile page?

and what about your blur obsession? i love to read about other people's rock obsession so i don't feel so alone in mine.....


10:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry you got 2 identical posts from me. impatient fingers on the return key.

10:36 AM

Blogger e.Beth said...

my characters often go off on tangents, so i sorta use it.

yes, i was really in love with blur at one point. also duran duran and the backstreet boys at different points. it's an electic list.

2:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

when my son was 8 he liked the backstreet boys, so i liked them too. i took my son to a concert of theirs. he got bored and went in the lobby with his father; i danced and sang all the way to the end!

12:03 PM


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