Longest Journey to Work Ever
And it only took twenty five actual minutes, and I ended up early.
Wednesday it snowed. The most annoying type of snow possible. That is, barely an inch. More than a dusting, but not enough for anyone to bother shoveling. So, it melted when it hit the pavement, then started to stick, then everything froze. This was two days ago. Yesterday some of it melted, but not all, so I had to pay attention on my walk to the subway.
Which made me consider how much I don't pay attention normally. It's not like ice is the only thing to watch out for when one is walking through Center City Philadelphia. There are curbs and uneven pavement and random things on the sidewalk and cars that don't care about stop signs or even lights and people walking around you on cell phones who aren't paying attention or people in groups who are too busy talking or kissing or whatever to pay attention and dogs on leashes who might find you interesting and probably a bunch of other things that i don't even notice.
But normally on the walk in, I'm listening to some podcast or another and then i'm at work, without really paying attention to how i got there. Ice, that one thing, just completely throws me off. this is largely because i am the clumsiest person ever, and i live in mortal fear of ice. because i screwed up my ankle in june in new york city, lord knows what could happen to me if i didn't pay attention to ice.
Then I got to the subway, and I was the only person waiting on the platform for about five minutes. Which is just weird at 8:45 in the morning. I kept checking my watch, convinced it was later than I thought it was.
This was the most boring post ever.
9:06 PM
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