writing to change the world
today on my walk into work (see, i always try to tie these posts to journey-ing through the city, even if the transit strike has made the 'subway' part moot. ::kicks septa::), i listened to the Nanowrimo Radio podcast (which i finally got to download after three days of trying. of course, if you go to iTunes and type in 'nanowrimo', you get the darn podcast, just begging to be downloaded. its been a bad week.)
anyhow (i'm in a parenthetical mood today, evidently), the theme of this week's podcast is 'infinite possibilities,' and they did a few pieces on NaNo in the classroom. The woman talking about teaching NaNo to 7th graders totally made me cry. these kids went from thinking this was the most insane project in the world to becoming writers. they learned about dialogue, plotting and how to use commas. they learned how to read and look at the craft, more than just words on the page. they become novelists.
kick ass.
more blog spam! you're probably gonna have to do that comment keyword thingy.
I tried telling Darren to teach it and he said his students' brains would melt.
11:04 AM
darren should have more faith in his students! the woman on nanowrimo radio just had her kids write 10k (altho one made it to 50k).
what's the comment keyword thingie? why does spam love me so much?
5:07 PM
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