Thursday, July 19, 2007

Damn Bee

i was about 20 feet from work this morning when i felt a bug on my wrist. i flicked it off and realized i'd been stung at the same time that i saw the yellow and black thing fly away.

so, i go into the office and wash it off. it hurt like a bitch, and all i could think about was two things. 1- my grandmother is severly allergic and i grew up knowing that, so i have this sort of 'bees could kill grandma!' fear. 2- the last time i was stung, i was about 10 or 11 and i stepped on a bee and my foot swelled up like a basketball.

i come upstairs to colleen and say,' i need your mom opinion. should i be worried about this?' claudine comes over to tell us that her daughter got stung this weekend on her forehead and she looks like Quasimodo.

so colleen takes me down to the health services. i could have gone by myself, but when i came back up, she would have been all 'did you ask this? i'm calling them.'

of course, everyone we know in health services is on vacation. they have no benadryl, but they do have ice. in the form of a rubber glove filled with water and frozen. it looks sorta kinky.

colleen and i come back up to the office and now two more people get involved, and no one has benadryl.

i finally get everyone to leave me be and i find a claritin and answer email one-handed while i rest my left hand on the ice. (thank god it's my left hand!)

it's better already. i think i'll live.

Friday, July 06, 2007

love this town

which i say a lot in this thing. but today, as i passed Love Park, there was a little Asian girl dressed in her Betsy Ross bonnet and hat, posing under the Love statue, with the Art Museum in the background. it was freaking adorable.

then a couple of blocks later was the homeless guy sleeping on the corner of Vine and 15th. that's city life, as Lilly Allen would say.

and then on the cover of the Metro this morning:

gotta love philly.