Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It is dark at 7 am, yo

and it's taken me ten and a half hours to get a minute to write about my walk into work, because it's been that sort of day.

i came in early because Colleen and I have decided to do breakfast on Wednesdays, because we are both suffering withdrawal from spending 40 hours a week together. We thought that lunch one day a week would cut it, but we were wrong, because we have that sort of friendship where we told each other most things about our lives. not everything, but a lot, and that's a lot of random stuff to squeeze into an hour.

so i left the house at 7 am, and it was dark! so dark i didn't want to have my headphones on, because i didn't want anyone sneaking up on me. it was just me and the joggers and the dogwalkers. and the homeless guys sleeping in Rittenhouse Square. they're usually up and about their day when i walk through at 8.

i was surprised at how many things aren't open at 7 am. colleen was bringing breakfast, but i was checking out my options for when it's my turn to get breakfast. the pickings were slim. Metropolitan Bakery? opens at 7:30. Marathon Grill? 8. not that i ever normally get up that early, but things to file away if i ever need an early morning breakfast!

and then on 17th and chestnut, i passed a group of people wearing red Soverign bank t-shirts. okay. slightly random, but whatever. then i realized they were unloading Segeways from a big truck. i feel if i had been walking to work at 8 am, i would have figured out what the t-shirts and the Segeways were doing.