Christmastime in the city
which means i need to bring presents into the office. everyone in my office wanted gift cards. all from different places, which nessicitated running all over creation for them, but that's another story.
so, while everyone wants gift cards, and i got everyone the gift card they wanted, i still have to bring in gifts. it goes against everything in me to just give a gift card. i blame my mother for this. my mom gives great gifts, and lots of them. while she likes that i give her a list of requests, if she doesn't find the requests interesting enough, i get other stuff. something always has to be a surprise, otherwise, what's the fun?
my father sends me a check every year, and has since i was in high school. so, as the only child of divorced parents, i get money *and* presents and the best of both worlds. don't let anyone tell you that divorce or being an only wrecks a kid for life. i'm doing ok. ;->
(well, okay, there's the problem that now that dad's in florida, he really wants me to visit for the holidays, but christmas morning has been mom's my entire life, so... there are some guilt issues. but doesn't everyone have some form of guilt issue at the holidays? isn't someone always getting left out?)
anyhow, i am my mother's daughter, and so today i had my biggest tote bag full of crap. heavy crap. luckily, no one was on the subway with me, because evidently the rest of the city is off. i share my subway stop with the community college, and they're definately on christmas break, because there are no teenagers being loud and pushy in the station.
i was about to close with 'happy holidays,' but i just have to say a word or two about the american 'debate' over 'happy holidays' vs. 'merry christmas'. i've been using 'happy holidays' for years. know why? because there are more holidays than christmas in december. its polite. its being considerate of other people's beliefs. its nice.
am i insulted if someone says 'merry christmas' to me? or 'happy hanukah'? or whatever? no. why should i be? i further don't understand why any sane person should be offended by 'happy holidays'. what's the big freaking deal, bill o'freaking reilly? christmas, holidays, can't we all just be nice to each other?
so, happy freaking holidays.